Knowing More about Flour Clay and Its Function. Some of you maybe not so familiar with the flour clay, but it will be different from play dough. Actually, these things are almost the same. You can use it as a media to make a craft together with your kids. It is affordable and safe.
As it is named, mostly this kind of clay is made from flour. Besides the flour, there are various other simple materials that you can prepare. It is a great learning method to show to your kids or students. You can even make it by yourself.
Since it has a soft texture and made from flour, this kind of clay is recommended to be used by kids. Below is the information about this clay. You have to know about it to be able to make the right clay from flour.
What is Flour Clay?
It is a mixture made from flour which is stirred until smooth and easy to form. This kind of dough is also called play dough. This craft is not waterproof. The materials for making this craft can be various.
Those are like the flour, sago flour, tapioca flour plus fox glue, food coloring, poster paint, and clear spray. That’s why the clay made from flour can dry quickly. The equipment to make this clay is very simple such as a basin, bowl, and spoon, measuring cup, plastic, and washcloth.
Crafts from this clay are currently quite popular. The products produced from this craft are numerous. It is often used as decoration at home. The examples are various kinds of souvenirs, accessories, flower arrangements, fruits, miniature animals, and many more creative crafts.
How to Make Flour clay
Making this kind of clay is quite easy. All you need is just preparing the materials. Those are like tapioca flour, cooking oil, white glue, water, food coloring, poster paint, food coloring, and benzoate (preservatives). This material is very easy to get around you.
To make flour clay, prepare the container first. Then measure flour and glue in a ratio of 2: 1. Mix it into the container. Stir until the mixture is even. To make this flour dough is not too sticky, you can add cooking oil.
If it is mixed perfectly and has a chewy texture like playdough, then the dough is ready to use. Add various food colorings to make it is more interesting. Shape the clay as you wish. If so, then place it on a piece of paper and dry in the sun.
How to Pack and Treat this Clay
Most people use flour clay to make souvenirs. If you do the same thing, then pack things from clay using mica plastic. Because this plastic is transparent, souvenirs will be seen from the outside. After being dried in the sun, the clay will dry on its own.
How to treat this clay is very easy. You only need to clean items made from clay using a feather duster. This method aims to keep the clay clean from dust and other impurities. It will make the products always looked interesting.
Making some products from this clay can be a fun moment to do in your spare time. You can even ask your kids to do it with you too. However, if you are more serious, this flour clay crafts can be a new business to do.